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4 Crucial Tips for First-Time Weed Smokers

Smoking cannabis for the first time is unique for each smoker. Not all smokers experience the same effects, and that’s okay. The key to having a great first experience is to relax and not overthink things. Believe it or not, there is a right way and a wrong way to smoke weed. Take a look at some useful tips and tricks for newbie smokers to help make your first experience a good one.

1. Try smoking cannabis by itself.

When the time comes to take your first puff, it’s important to make sure you are smoking weed by itself. This means you shouldn’t try smoking after having drinks or cigarettes. Smoking without the influence of other substances helps you better notice the effects of smoking. This is also true if you decide to try an edible for the first time. Consuming cannabis without the presence of other substances in your body will help you have a better experience.

2. Control your surroundings.

It’s important to put careful thought into where you’ll toke up. Choosing the right setting can make or break your first experience. Find someplace where you have control over your surroundings. While it’s a nice idea to smoke outdoors and enjoy nature, you need to be mindful of local laws and regulations. It’s a good idea to smoke in the comforts of your home. Feeling safe in your surroundings is key to avoiding paranoia.

Smoking weed does produce a smell and smoke. Smoking indoors is a discreet way to enjoy yourself, but unfortunately, smoking results in indoor air pollution. Your home’s indoor air quality is reduced by the presence of airborne particles, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander, allergens, viruses, and pollen. The best way to improve indoor air quality and enjoy clean air is to use an air purifier. The Vremi air purifier uses a three-stage filtration system to remove the tiniest of particulates from the air. The ultra-fine, true HEPA filter and activated carbon filter help eliminate odors and last up to six months. It features large air filters perfect for purifying particulate matter in larger rooms. The best air purifier from Mohawk has a sleek design, quiet operation, adjustable fan speed, and air quality display.

3. Learn about your product and accessories.

It’s okay if you don’t know the difference between a joint and a blunt or a vape and a pipe. You’re not expected to know how to use paraphernalia, but you should feel comfortable asking questions. It’s always a good idea to know what kind of marijuana you are smoking. For example, Indica strains have different effects than Sativa strains, so it’s important to know what type of high you are about to experience before inhaling.

The best way to keep your marijuana products secure and discreet is to store them in proper containers. CoolJarz produces bio-efficient products that use less plastic than other manufacturing processes. The sleek design of their plastic herbal chewing tobacco tins is made of food-grade polypropylene that’s BPA-free and FDA-approved. Their plastic, tobacco chew, and chew tins are great for tobacco alternatives such as gum, mints, and snuff. Tobacco chew cans come in black, clear, and smoke and are ready to ship.

4. Don’t smoke alone — have a buddy.

The best way to ensure you have a better experience as a new smoker is to have a smoking buddy. Even if you smoke in a controlled setting and know what kind of high to expect, it’s possible to have some negative side effects. A smoking buddy can help guide and influence your high for the better. You may even consider smoking with a group of friends. It’s a good idea to surround yourself with people you trust and whose personalities you enjoy being around.

Always talk to your doctor before smoking weed for the first time to ensure you won’t experience any negative interactions with prescription medications.

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